Home Page Prof. Kruchinin Sergei
  1. Modern aspect of superconductivity: theory of superconductivity: theory of superconductivity. Kruchinin S, World Scientific, 2021, ISBN 9814261602, p. 308.

  2. Problems and Solutions in Special Relativity and Electromagnetism , By (author): Sergei Kruchinin (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ukraine),World Scientific, 2017, ISBN 9789813227262, p. 140.

  3. Symmetry and Pairing in Superconductors, Edited by M. Ausloos and S. Kruchinin. Proceedings of a NATO ARW, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1999, 410 p., ISBN N 0-79235520-2.

  4. New trends in superconductivity, J.Annett and S. Kruchinin, Proceedings of a NATO ARW, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002, 435 p., ISBN 1 4020 0704-3.

  5. Modern problems of superconductivity (MPS-2002), Edited by S. Kruchinin, Proceedings of Yalta conference, Mod.Phys.Lett. B, Vol. 17, Nos. 10-12, p. 393-724 (2003).

  6. Electron correlation in new materials and nanosystems. Edited by K. Scharnberg and S. Kruchinin, Proceedings of a NATO ARW, Springer, p. 420, ISBN 1-4020 5658-3 (2006).

  7. Electron transport in nanosystems. Edited by J.Bonca and S. Kruchinin, Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Springer, p. 420 (2008).

  8. Physical Properties of Nanosystems, edited by J. Bonca and S. Kruchinin Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Springer, Berlin, 2010, 327 p.

  9. Nanotechnology in the Security Systems, edited by J. Bonca and S. Kruchinin Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Springer, Berlin, 2015, 283 p.