Home Page Prof. Kruchinin Sergei
    List of publications


  1. Yu.Dzhezherya, V.Kalita, P. Polynchuk, A.Kravets, V. Korenivski,S.Kruchinin, S.Belucci, Fast barrier‑free switching in synthetic antiferromagnets
    Scientific Reports, 1 (2025)
  2. R.Eglitis, J. Purans, R. Jia, S. Kruchinin and S. Wirth, Comparative B3PW and B3LYP Calculations of ABO3 (A = Ba, Sr, Pb, Ca; B = Sn, Ti, Zr) Neutral (001) and Polar (111) Surfaces
    Inorganics, 13, 100 (2025)


  3. S.P. Kruchinin, R.I. Eglitis,V.E. and others ,Modeling of Mechanical and Electrical Systems with Fractal Structure Under Impulse Action and Coherent Acceleration
    Symmetry 2024, 16, 1700
  4. R. I. Eglitis, A. I. Popov, S. P. Kruchinin; I. Derkaoui; M. A. Basyooni-M. Kabatas, B3LYP and B3PW computations of BaSnO3 and BaZrO3 perovskite (001) surfaces.
    Low Temp. Phys. 50, 905-910 (2024);
  5. I. Filikhin, A. Karouia, T. Zatezaloa, S.P. Kruchinin,.B.Vlahovic, Effect of double quantum dot asymmetry on electron localization.
    Modern Physics Letters B, N 6 (2024)
  6. . R. Eglitis , J. Purans, A. I. Popov, S. Piskunov, R. Jia, S.P.Kruchinin, ABO3 perovskite as well as BAF2, SRF2 AND CAF2 bulk and surface F-center first principles predictions.
    Modern Physics Letters B, N 6 (2024)
  7. Yu. I. Dzhezherya, P. Yu. Polynchuk, I. V. Gerasimchuk, S. P. Kruchinin, V.M. Kalita, and V. Korenivski, Control of the memory cell magnetization by an a combined pulse of local magnetic ffields.
    Modern Physics Letters B, N 6 (2024)
  8. G. D. Tatishvili , M. G. Zakaraya and D. G. Gogoli , S.P.Kruchinin, Theoretical study of excitation profiles of coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and applications to carotenoids.
    Modern Physics Letters B, N 6 (2024)


  9. S.P. Kruchinin, R.I. Eglitis,V.E. Novikov, A.M. Oleś and S. Wirth , Control of strongly nonequilibrium coherently correlated states and superconducting transition temperature.
    Symmetry 2023, 15, 1732.
  10. S.P. Kruchinin, S. P. Repetsky, I. G. Vyshyvana, A.P. Polishchuk, Electronic spectrum andcConductivity in graphene. with impurities.
    Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT29)
    Downloaded from journals.jps.jp by on 05/24/23


  11. S.P. Kruchinin, R.I. Eglitis,S. P. Repetsky, I. G. Vyshyvana, Effects of electron correlation inside disordered crystals.
    Crystals,12, 2 235102 (2022)
  12. R. I. Eglitis, A. I. Popov, J. Purans, D. Bocharov, Y. A. Mastrikov,Ran Jia, and S. P. Kruchinin, Ab initio computations of BaZrO3, CaTiO3, SrTiO3 perovskite as well as WO3 and ReO3 (001) surfaces.
    Low Temp. Phys. 48, 811 (2022);
  13. Repetsky, I. G. Vyshyvana,,S.P. Kruchinin, S.Bellucci, Theory of electron correlation in disordered crystals.
    Materials,15, 739 (2022).
  14. R.I. Eglitis, E.A. Kotomin, A.I. Popov, S.P. Kruchinin and R. Jia, Comparative ab initio calculations of SrTiO3, BaTiO3, PbTiO3, and SrZrO3 (001) and (111) surfaces as well as oxygen vacancies.
    Low Temperature Physics 48,87-96 (2022).
  15. V.Yatsenko , S.Kruchinin, P.Bidyuk, Superconducting gravimeters based on advanced nanomaterials and quantum neural network.
    Systems Research and Information Technology , 3, p.30-45 (2022).
  16. V. P. Babak, V. V. Shchepetov, S. D. Kharchenko, S. P. Kruchinin, and Stefano Bellucci , Detonation self-lubricating antifriction glass composition.
    Journal of Nanomaterials, p.1-7 (2022).


  17. H. V. Grushevskaya, G. G. Krylov,S.P. Kruchinin, B. Vlahovic,S.Bellucci, Electronic properties and quasi-zero-energy states of graphene quantum dots.
    Physical Review B,103, 2 235102 (2021).
  18. Kruchinin S., Modern aspect of superconductivity: theory of superconductivity.
    World Scientific , p.308 (2021) .


  19. S. P. Repetsky, I. G. Vyshyvana, S.P. Kruchinin, B. Vlahovic,S.Bellucci, Effect of impurities ordering in the electronic spectrum and conductivity of graphene.
    Physics Letters A, 126401 (2020).
  20. S. S.Bellucci,S. P. Kruchinin,S. P. Repetsky,I. G. Vyshyvana, R. M.Melnyk, Behavior of the energy spectrum and electric conduction of doped graphene.
    Materials (2020), 3, 718.
  21. H. V. Grushevskaya, G. G. Krylov, H.-Y. Choi, S.P. Kruchinin, Electronic properties of twisted bilayer graphene in high-energy k-p-Hamiltonian approximation.
    Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 34, Nos. 19 & 20 (2020) 2040055 (10 pages).
  22. R. Eglitis, S.P. Kruchinin, Ab initio calculations of ABO3 perovskite (001), (011) and (111) nano-surfaces, interfaces and defects.
    Modern Physics Letters B,Vol. 34, Nos. 19 & 20 (2020) 2040057 (9 pages).
  23. S. P. Repetsky, I. G. Vyshyvana,S.P. Kruchinin, S.Bellucci,Tight-binding model in the theory of disordered crystals.
    Modern Physics Letters B,Vol. 34, Nos. 19 & 20 (2020) 2040065 (23 pages).
  24. V. Mitic, G. Lazovic, D. Milosevic, Chun-An Lu, J. Manojlovic, Shwu-Chen Tsay, S.Kruchinin and B.Vlahovic, Brownian motion and fractal nature.
    Modern Physics Letters B,Vol. 34, Nos. 19 & 20 (2020) 2040061 (11 pages).
  25. S. P. Repetsky, I. G. Vyshyvana, H. M. Kuznietsova, V. K. Rybalchenko, S. P. Kruchinin, O. I. Tykhoniuk, D. S. Milokhov, O. V. Khilya and R. M. Melnyk, Models nanocomplexes based on C60 fullerene for creation of biologically active agents for medicine.
    Modern Physics Letters B,Vol. 34, Nos. 19 & 20 (2020) 2040064 (8 pages).
  26. S. P. Repetsky, I. G. Vyshyvana, S. P. Kruchinin, R. M. Melnyk,A.P. Polishchuk ,The energy spectrum and the electrical conductivity of graphene with substitution impurity,
    Condensed Matter Physics, 2020, Vol. 23, No 1, 13704: 1–14.


  27. Filikhin, Th. Peterson, B. Vlahovic, S.P. Kruchinin, Yu.B. Kuzmichev, V. Mitic, Electron transfer from the barrier in InAs/GaAs quantum dot-well structure.
    Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 114 (2019)113626-113631.
  28. S. P. Repetsky, I. G. Vyshyvana,Y.Nakazawa,S. P. Kruchinin, S.Bellucci., Electron transport in carbon nanotubes with adsorbed chromium impurities.
    Materials (2019), 12, 524.
  29. S. P. Repetsky, I. G. Vyshyvana, S. P. Kruchinin, O. Ya. Kuznetsova, and R. M. Melnyk,, Influence of the impurity Ordering on the energy spectrum and electrical Conductivity of graphene,
    Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 41, No. 4: 427–443 (2019), DOI: 10.15407/mfint.41.04.0427.


  30. S. P. Repetsky, I. G. Vyshyvana, S. P. Kruchinin, S.Bellucci., Influence of the ordering of impurities on the appearance of an energy gap and on the electrical conductance of graphene.
    Scientific Reports, 8:9123(2018).
  31. S. P. Repetsky, I. G. Vyshyvana, E. Ya. Kuznetsova, S. P. Kruchinin Energy spectrum of graphene with adsorbed potassium atoms.
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. B , vol. 32 (2018) 1840030 (5 pages)
  32. Nakazawa Y. Kruchinin S. Experimental and theoretical aspects of thermodynamic properties of quasi-1D and quasi-2D organic conductors and superconductors. Inter.
    J.Mod.Phys. B. vol.30, N13 ,p.1042008 (2016)
  33. Yu. I. Dzhezherya, A. O. Khrebtov, S.P. Kruchinin S.Sharp-pointed susceptibility of ferromagnetic films with magnetic anisotropy inhomogeneous in thickness.
    Inter.J.Mod.Phys. B. Vol. 32, 1840034 (14 pages) (2018)
  34. H. V. Grushevskaya, G. G. Krylov,S.P. Kruchinin, B. Vlahovic, Graphene quantum dots, graphene non-circular p-n-p junctions: quasi-relativistic pseudo wave and potential. . Proceedings of NATO ARW , edited by J.Bonca and S.Kruchinin, Springer, 2018, P.47-68 .

  35. 2017

  36. Kruchinin S., Problems and solutions in special relativity and electromagnetism .
    World Scientific, 2017, ISBN 9789813227262, p. 140.


  37. Kruchinin S. Energy spectrum and wave function of electron in hybrid superconducting nanowires. Inter.J.Mod.Phys. B. vol.30, N13 ,p.1042008 (2016)

  38. Kruchinin S.The quantum-field approach to superconductivity theory. Review in Theoretical Science ,vol.4, n.2 p.117-144 (2016).

  39. Kruchinin S. Multiband superconductivity. Review in Theoretical Physics, vol.4,n2, 165-178 (2016).

  40. Kruchinin S., Zolotovsky A., Yamashita S., Nakazawa Y. Thermodynamics of the d-wave pairing in organic superconductors. Inter.J.Mod.Phys. B. vol.30, N13 ,p.1042020 (2016)

  41. Kruchinin S., Repetsky S. Spin-dependent transport of carbon nanotubes with chromium atoms.Edited J.Bonca and S.Kruchinin "Nanomaterials" for security Springer p.57-82 (2016).

  42. Vlaskina S., Kruchinin S.. Rodionov V., Nanostructures in silicon carbide crystals and films Inter.J.Mod.Phys. B. vol.30, N13 ,p.1042015 (2016)

  43. A.Polischuk, S.Kruchininu, The introduction to quantum and atomic physics. Text book NAU p.238 (2016)

  44. 2015

  45. Ermakov V., Kruchinin S., Pruschke T., Freericks J. Thermoelectricity in tunneling nanostructures. Physical Review B 92, 2015, p.115531.

  46. Kruchinin S. Richardson solution for superconductivity in ultrasmall grains. Quantum Matter 4,378-383 (2015).

  47. Kruchinin S., Kondo effect in superconducting nanoparticles.Quantum Matter, 4,373-377(2015).

  48. Soldatov A.V., Bogolyubov N.N. Jr., Kruchinin S.P. Theory of quantum dots in external magnetic field. Quantum Matter, 4,352-357 (2015).

  49. Electron correlation in nanostructures Proceedings of the International Yalta conference, Yalta, Ukraine, 2015, edited by S.Kruchinin, Quantum matter, vol.6, 1-200.

  50. J.Bonca and S.Kruchinin (Eds) Nanotechnology in the security systems . Proceedings of a NATO ARW, Yalta, edited by edited by J.Bonca and S.Kruchinin, Springer ,2015, P.300.

  51. 2014

  52. Kruchinin S., Pruschke T. Thermopower for a molecule with vibrational degrees of freedom. Physics .Letters A. 378, p.157-161 (2014).

  53. Kruchinin S. Physics of high-Tc superconductors. Review in Theoretical Physics,vol.2,124-145 (2014).

  54. Kruchinin S.P., Zolotovsky A., Kim H.T. Andreev state in hybrid superconducting nanowires. Quantum Matter, 3,61-64 (2014).

  55. Ю.І. Джеджеря, С.П.Кручинін, С.О.Рншнтняк, О.С.Климук, Теорія поля. Роз'язання задач. Навчальний посібник.Київ,НАУ, с..140 (2014).

  56. 2013

  57. Kruchinin S.P., Nagao H., Nakazawa Y. Condensation energy for two-gap superconducting state in nanoparicles . Journal of Nanoparticles, 3, 1- 6(2013).

  58. Kruchinin S.P., Zolotovsky A., Kim H.T. Band structure of new ReFe AsO superconductors. Journal of Modern Physics, 4, 608-611(2013).

  59. Rodionov V.E., Shnidko I.N., Zolotovsky A., Kruchinin S.P. Electroluminescence of Y2O3:Eu and Y2O3:Sm films. Material Science, 31, 232-239 (2013).

  60. 2012

  61. Kruchinin S., Nagao H, Nanoscale superconductivity. Inter J. Mod. Phys. B., Vol.26 p.1230013 (55 pages) (review) (2012).

  62. 2011

  63. S. Kruchinin, H. Nagao, S. Aono, Modern aspects of superconductivity.: theory of Superconductivity// World Scientific, Singapore, 220 (2010).

  64. Kruchinin S.,Ermakov V. Thermoelectricity phenomena in molecular junction. Proceedings of NATO ARW "Physical properties of nanosystems", edited by J.Bonca and S.Kruchinin, Springer, 2011, P.340-348 .

  65. Vladimir N. Ermakov, Sergei P. Kruchinin, Hyun Taki Kim, Thomas Pruschke. Thermoelectric properties of molecular nanostructures. https://arxiv.org/abs/1109.0365v1.https://arxiv.org/abs/1109.0365v1

  66. Kruchinin S., Pruschke T. Thermopower for a molecule with vibrational degrees of freedom. https://arxiv.org/abs/1108.4526v1.https://arxiv.org/abs/1108.4526v1


  67. Physical properties of nanosystems, edited by J.Bonca and S. Kruchinin Proceedings of a NATO ARW, Springer, p.350 (2010).

  68. V.Ermakov, S.Kruchinin., A.Fujiwara .Thermoelectricity in double-barrier structure with resonant tunneling, edited by J.Bonca and S. Kruchinin. Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Springer, 2010, p. 311-318 (2010).

  69. Dzhezherya Yu., I.Yu.Novak, Kruchinin S., Orientational phase transitions of lattice of magnetic dots embedded in a London type superconductors . Supercond. Sci. Technol.-23, p.1-5 (2010) .

  70. S.P. Kruchinin,V.Y. Antonchenko,A.A. Zolotovsky, The electronic properties of new Fe-based superconductors. TASK QUARTERLY 15 No 2, pp. 203–208 (2010) .

  71. 2009

  72. Yu.Dzhezherya, S. P. Kruchinin . Spin-orientation phase transitions of the system of magnetic dots in a London superconductors.Proceedings conference " New in magnetism and magnetic materials,.Moscow, p. 652-654 (2009).

  73. 2008

  74. Electron transport in nanosystems. edited by J.Bonca and S. Kruchinin Proceedings of a NATO ARW, Springer ,p.420 (2008)
  75. H.Nagao, S.Kruchinin. Kondo effect coupled to superconductivity ultrasmall grains.
    Proceedings NATO ARW "Electron transport in nanosystems" edited by J.Bonca and S. Kruchinin, Springer ,p.105-115 (2008).
  76. V.Ermakov, S.Kruchinin., A.Fujiwara .Electronic nanosensors based on nanotransistor with bistability behaviour.
    Proceedings NATO ARW "Electron transport in nanosystems" edited by J.Bonca and S. Kruchinin, Springer ,p.341-349( 2008).

  77. Kruchinin S. NovikovV., Klepikov V, Nonlinear current oscillations in a Josephson junction with ractal radioisotope composite. Metrology and Measurement Systems,vol.15,p.281-287(2008).
  78. S. P. Kruchinin, V. Novikov ,N.N.Bogolyubov Jr. Self-organization and nonequlibrium structures in phase space. Int. J. Mod. Phys.,vol. 22, p. 2025-2045 (2008).


  79. Kawabe H.,Nagao H.,Kruchinin S. Exact solution of two-band superconductivity ultrasmall grains.
    Proceedings of a NATO ARW " Electron correlation in new materials and nanosystems" edited by K. Scharnberg and S. Kruchinin, Springer ,p.103-113 (2007).
  80. H.Kawabe, H.Nagao, S.Kruchinin. Nanosize two-gap superconductivity.
    Proceedings of a NATO ARW " Electron correlation in new materials and nanosystems" edited by K. Scharnberg and S. Kruchinin, Springer ,p.103-113 (2007).
  81. K. Yamaguchi, Y. Kitagawa,H. Nagao, S. P. Kruchinin. First principles calculations of effective exchange integrals for copper oxides.
    Proceedings of a NATO ARW " Electron correlation in new materials and nanosystems" edited by K. Scharnberg and S. Kruchinin, Springer ,p.103-113 (2007).
  82. Electron correlation in new materials and nanosystems.Proceedings of a NATO ARW, Yalta, Ukraine, 2005, edited by K. Scharnberg and S. Kruchinin, Springer ,P.420(2007)
  83. V.Ermakov,S,Kruchinin, H.Hori, A.Fujiwara, Phenomena of strong electron correlastion in the resonant tunneling.Int. J. Mod. Phys B,N 11(2007).
  84. Kruchinin S.P. ETN-07. Newspaper 'Svit" N 55. p.10-12 (2007)

  85. 2006

  86. Kruchinin S.P.,Nagao H. Multi-gap superconductivity in MgB2. Proceedings a NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Symmetry and heterogenety in High-Tc superconductors. Edit A.Bianconi, Kluwer Dorderecht ,2006, p.43-53.
  87. Soldatov A.V., Bogolyubov N.N. Jr., Kruchinin S.P. Method of intermediate problems in the theory of Gaussian quantum dots placed in a magnetic field. Condesed Matter Physics 9, n.1, p. 1-9(2006).
  88. Kruchinin S., Dzezherya Yu.,Annett J.Imteractions of nanoscale ferromagnetic granules in a London superconductors.Supercond. Sci. Technol.-19,p.381-384 (2006)
  89. V.Klepikov, S.Kruchinin, V. Novikov, A.Sothikov . Composite materials with radioactive inclusions as artificial radiation covering.Rev.Adv.Mater.Sci. 11, p.34-40(2006)

  90. 2005

  91. Kruchinin S.P., Nagao H. Two-gap superconductivity in MgB2. Physics of Particles and Nuclei, v.36,suppl.1, p.127-130(2005).
  92. Kruchinin S.,Klepikov V.,Novikov V.E.Nonlinear current oscillations in a fractal josephson junction. Materials Science 23(4),p.1009-1013(2005).
  93. Kruchinin S.P. ECNM-05. Newspaper 'Svit" N 43. p.3-4 (2005)

  94. 2004

  95. Kruchinin S.P. Condesation energy for spin fluctuations mechanism of pairing in high-Tc superconductors.Proceedings a NATO Advanced Research Workshop "New challenges in superconductivity :Experimental advances and emerging theories".Edit J.Ashkenazi, Kluwer Dorderecht, 145-150 (2004).

  96. 2003

  97. H.Nagao, H.Kawabe ,S.Kruchinin, D.Manske, K.Yamaguchi . Theoretical studies on many band effects superconductivity by using renormalization group approach.Mod.Phys.Lett. B, Vol. 17, Nos. 10-12 p.423-431, (2003).
  98. H.Nagao, H.Kawabe, S.Kruchinin, K.Yamaguchi. Superconductivity in Two-Band Model by Renormalization Group Approach .Mod.Phys.Lett. B, Vol. 17, p.3373-3376 (2003).
  99. Bogolyubov N.N.(jr), Bogolyubova E.N.,Kruchinin S.P. Modern approach to the calculation of the correlation function in superconductivity models,Mod.Phys.Lett. B, Vol. 17, Nos. 10-12 p.709-724, (2003).
  100. Kruchinin S.P.,Thermodynamics effects in high-Tc superconductors. Proceedings ofInternational Symposium of New Trends of Physics,January 20-24,2003, Hokkaido University ,Sapporo, p.2-3, (2003).
  101. Nagao H.,Kruchinin S.P.,Yamaguchi K.Multizone superconductivity,editors J.K.Srivastava, S.M.Rao, Volume 241 in Horizons in World Physics "Models and Methods of High-Tc Superconductivity", Nova. ,p.205-214,(2003).
  102. Modern problems of superconductivity (MPS-2002), Proceedings of Yalta conference, edited by S. Kruchinin,Mod.Phys.Lett. B, Vol. 17, Nos. 10-12, p.393-724, (2003).
  103. Kruchinin S.P. Modern problems of superconductivity. Communication of NASU. p.63-64, (2003) .
  104. Kruchinin S.P. Thermodynamics effects in high-Tc superconductors. Proceedings of International Symposium of New Trends of Physics, January 20-24,(2003). Hokkaido University ,Sapporo, P.2-3, (2003).

  105. 2002

  106. Nagao H.,Kruchinin S.P.,Yaremko A.Yamaguchi K.Multiband superconductivity.Int.J.Mod.Phys.B, vol.15,p.3419-3428(2002).
  107. Bogolyubov N.N.(jr),Kruchinin S.P.Calculation correlations functions for superconductivity model,"New trends in superconductivity" 2002,p. 277-291.
  108. agao H.,Kruchinin S.P.,Yaremko A.Yamaguchi K.Many-and effects in superconductivity. Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop"New trends in superconductivity", edited by J.Annett and S. Kruchinin, Kluwer, Dordrecht,2002,p. 155-165.
  109. New trends in superconductivity, Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Yalta, Ukraine, 2001, edited by J.Annett and S. Kruchinin,Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002,435 .
  110. Yaremko, E.V.Mozdor, H.Nagao ,A., Kruchinin S.P. Two-particle green function in the theory of superconductivity of HTSC and C60 crystals.// Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop"New trends in superconductivity", edited by J.Annett and S. Kruchinin, Kluwer, Dordrecht,2002, p.329-341.
  111. Sugahara M. ,Kruchinin S.P.,N.N.Bogolyubov (jr).Study of decoherence time of electronic states in quantum dots,Josephson junction and franctional quantum Hall effect "pseudo-spin" quantum computing devices. Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop"New trends in superconductivity", edited by J.Annett and S. Kruchinin, Kluwer, Dordrecht,2002,p. 415-428.
  112. M. Sugahara, T. Urata, T. Kawabata, J. Asai, Masashi, Kruchinin S.P., Proposal of Controlled NOT Gate Using FQHE System and Observation of Large Life Time of Laser Triggered Conductance Change in LaSrCuO Film with Localization Physica C 367(2002)234-236.

  113. 2001

  114. Sugahara M.,Kruchinin S.P.Controlled not gate based on a two-layer system of the fractional quantum Hall effect.Modern Physics Letters B vol.15,p.473-477(2001).

  115. 2000

  116. Kruchinin S.P.The pseudogap of antifferomagnetic spin fluctuations in cuprate superconductors. Physica C, v.341-348.-p.901-902,(2000).

  117. 1999

  118. Symmetry and Pairing in Superconductors, Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Yalta, Ukraine, April 28-May 2, 1998, edited by M. Ausloos and S. Kruchinin, 3. High Technology, 63 (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1999), 410 pages.

  119. 1998

  120. Kruchinin, S. P., and Yaremko, A. M., Many zone effects in cuprate superconductors, Supercond. Sci, Tech. 11, 4-8 (1998).

  121. 1997

  122. Kruchinin, S. P. Mozdor E.V. and Yaremko, A. M., Many band effects in cuprate superconductors, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 11, 585-592 (1997).
  123. Kruchinin S.P., Yaremko A.M. Interlayer interection in absorption and reflection spectra bismuth HTSC crystals.Preprint ITP-1997-17E.-P.1-27.
  124. Kruchinin, S. P. and Patapis, S. K., Specific heat of antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in cuprate superconductors, Physica C 282-287, 1397-1398 (1997).
  125. Patapis, S. K., and Kruchinin, S. P., Fluctuation conductivity behavior in thin films of YBaCuO indicates s-wave pairing, Physica C 282-287, 1397-1398 (1997).
  126. Patapis, S. K., Yarmis, D., and Kruchinin, S. P., Paraconductivity along the c-axis direction in a plane of thin films of YBaCuO, J. Low Temp. Phys. 107 (5), 473-477 (1997).
  127. Patapis, S. K., and Kruchinin, S. P., Paraconductivity and dimensionaliity along two different directions in a plane of a thin film of YBaCuO with c-axis in it, Physica C 282-287, 1569-1570 (1997).
  128. Kruchinin S.P. and Yaremko A.M. Interlayer hybridization and optical reflection spectra of bismuth-containing HTSC crystals.Proceedings of International Workshop on Supercondivity, Hawaii, USA-1997-P.387-388.

  129. 1996

  130. Kruchinin, S. P. Antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in cuprate superconductors, Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 17 (10),p.835-836, (1996).
  131. Yaremko, A. M., Mozdor, E. V., and Kruchinin, S. P., Coupled states of the electron-phonon system, superconductivity, and HTSC crystals, Int.J. Mod. Phys. B 10, p.2665-2674 (1996).
  132. Kruchinin, S. P. and Patapis, S. K., Thermodynamics of d-wave pairing in cuprate superconductors, J. Low Temp. Phys. 105, 717-721 (1996).
  133. Kruchinin S.P., Yaremko A.M. Coupled states and many zone effects in problem of HTSC in crystals.Czechoslovak Journal of Physics-1996 - V.46-P.963-964.
  134. Kruchinin S.P., S.K. Patapis. Specific heat of d-wave pairing in cuprate superconductors. Czechoslovak J. of Phys.-1996-N.46.- P. 1043-1044.

  135. 1995

  136. Kruchinin, S. P., Thermodynamics of antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in high Tc superconductors, Physica C 235-236, p.1773-1774, (1995).
  137. Kruchinin S.P., Yaremko A.M., Nonlinear optical phenomena of fullerites. Proceedings of IWSEPNM, World Scientific Publication, Singapure-1995- P. 270-273.
  138. Kruchinin, S. P., Functional integral of antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in high Tc superconductors, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 9, p.209-215, (1995).
  139. Kruchinin, S. P., Some peculiar features of the newest layered high Tc superconductors, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 9, p.379-397, (1995).

  140. 1994

  141. Kruchinin S.P.: Some peculiar features of the newest layered high-Tc superconductors. Physica C -1994-V.235-239.-p. 2611-2612.

  142. 1993

  143. Kruchinin S.P. and Yaremko A.M.Interlayer interections reflection spectra of bismuth HTSC crystals. Ukr.Phys.Jour. 38,p. 88-94,(1993).

  144. 1992

  145. Ermakov V.N., Kruchinin S.P., and Ponezha E.A. Superconducting gap substucture in bisoliton HTSC theory. Phys.Stat.Solidi 174,p. 235-239, (1992).

  146. Ermakov V.N., Kruchinin S.P., and Ponezha E.A. Superconducting gap substucture in bisoliton HTSC theory.,Dokl.Acad. of Sciences. Ukraine (in Ukrainian ), v.4, p.53-56.(1992).

  147. 1991

  148. Davydov, A. S., Kruchinin, S. P., Interlayer effects in the newest high Tc superconductors, Physica C 179, 461-468 (1991).
  149. Ermakov V.N., Kruchinin S.P., and Ponezha E.A. Superconducting current in the bisoliton model of superconductivity. Sov.J. Low.Temp.Phys. 17(7),p.423-426(1991).
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  154. 1980-1986

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